Friday, May 15, 2009

Deeper Discounts for Sheeple!

I guess no one's interested in what a washed up has-been has to say about his experiences in politics.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Yet another un-truth found in "Sheeple"?

It would seem that there is yet another "error" in Garth Turner's "Sheeple".

In his article in today's Toronto Sun Michael Coren counters the claim made by Garth Turner that, on Coren's television show, Charles McVety (president of Canada Christian College) bragged that he "could reach the PM within two minutes".

Quote from the article:

"Where to start? I'm getting old, my memory probably isn't what it was and perhaps my mind might wander sometimes. But I've hosted a television show for more than a decade now and I swear by all the gods of ratings that if anyone ever said they could reach the prime minister within two minutes I'd jump on the comment quicker than a Canadian poet on a government grant.

Heard no such thing" - Michael Coren

That's strike two Garth!